'02.12.09 |
Ayngaranから「Namma Veetu Kalyaanam」のDVDが発売されました。 |
'02.11.28 |
Cinesouth.comに、Meenaさんの記事がありました。 |
'02.11.27 |
Meenaさんがクッキングオイルのコマーシャルに出演する?→Y! India Movies |
'02.11.24 |
Chennaionlineに「Villain」のレビューがアップされていました。 |
'02.11.23 |
CrownというメーカーからTelugu語映画「Bharata Simha Reddy 」のDVDも発売されました。
'02.11.21 |
タイトル:Grama Devadhai |
'02.11.19 |
ChennaiOnlineに「Padai Veettu Amman」のレビューがアップされています。
'02.11.17 |
タイトル:Mr Brahmachary
Hero:Mohanlal |
'02.11.16 |
Veettu Amman」のレビューが、つぎのページには「Villain」のレビューがアップされています。
'02.11.12 |
「Padai Veettu Amman」も公開されていました。
'02.11.11 |
10 Songsの第10位に「Padai Vettu Amman」がランクインしていました。
'02.11.09 |
Veettu Kalyanam」のVCDが購入可能になっています。 |
'02.11.08 |
Cinesouth.comに「Villain」のレビューがアップされていました。 |
'02.11.07 |
'02.11.06 |
「Villan」が公開されました。 |
'02.11.04 |
Dinakaran.comとCinesouth.comに新作「Villain」の情報がアップされていました。 |
'02.10.29 |
噂では、Meenaさんの新居は完成しているが税金の関係で引っ越しを行っていないらしい。 |
'02.10.26 |
Galatta.comに新作「Villain」のホームページが出来ていました。 |
'02.10.11 |
そろそろ「Click」が公開されるのかな?→Chennaionline |
'02.10.07 |
Saina Video VisionからMalayalam語映画「RAKSHASARAJAVU」(Artists:
Mammootty, Dileep, Meena, Kavya, Mani, Kaneela)のDVDが発売されているようです。 |
'02.10.05 |
Chennaionlineに「Namma Veettu Kalyanam」のレビューがアップされていました。 |
'02.10.01 |
1999年に公開された「Ananda Poongatre」(Hero:Karthik,Ajith)のDVDが発売されるようです。 |
'02.09.29 |
'02.09.27 |
Cinesouth.comによるとMeenaさんが出演するAjithの「Villan」はDeepavaliにリリースされるようです。 |
'02.09.26 |
SunTVのサイトに「Mega Star Night Malaysia」の様子がアップされています。
Galatta.comに「Namma Veetu Kalyanam」のHPが出来ています。ほとんど内容はありませんが。
同じGalatta.comにテルグ語映画「Bharatasimha Reddy」のレビューがアップされています。
'02.09.25 |
9月6日にリリースされたテルグ語映画「Bharatasimha Reddy」のレビューがTeluguCinema.Comにアップされています。 |
'02.09.24 |
「Ivan」のDVDとVCDが発売されています。 |
'02.09.20 |
新作「Namma Veettu Kalyanam」が公開されました。 |
'02.09.16 |
Happy birthday |
'02.09.10 |
Cinema Expressのサイトに"Indian Mega Star
Night 2002"の写真がアップされています。 |
'02.09.08 |
Baba公開にともないNageshという映画館で「Veera」が上映されている?→Chennaionline |
'02.09.06 |
'02.08.30 |
Screenindia.comによるとSarathKumarの誕生日に駆け付けたようです。 |
'02.08.29 |
新作「Ivan」のレビューがCinesouth.comにアップされていました。 |
'02.08.24 |
新作「Ivan」のレビューがChennaionlineにアップされていました。 |
'02.08.23 |
'02.08.22 |
新作「Ivan」のレビューがGalatta.comにアップされていました。 |
'02.08.08 |
'02.08.07 |
新作「Sivakami」の情報がアップされていました。 |
'02.08.06 |
'02.07.31 |
新作"Villain"の情報がDinakaran.comにアップされています。 |
'02.07.28 |
"Indian Mega Star Night 2002"が行われました。
Meenaさんは生歌!!とダンスを披露。 |
'02.07.25 |
'02.07.12 |
Dinakaran.comにMeenaさんに関する記事がアップされています。 |
'02.07.09 |
Hero:Ajith |
'02.06.28 |
'02.06.27 |
'02.06.26 |
'02.06.24 |
'02.06.22 |
Cinesouth.comとChennaiOnlineに「Devan」のReviewがアップされています。 |
'02.06.20 |
CinemaExpressのサイトにMeenaさんのインタビューがアップされています。タミル語なので読めませんが。 |
'02.06.19 |
'02.06.16 |
# 9
Film Title:Not Confirmed(Kannada)
# 10
Film Title:Simhardriya Simha
'02.06.15 |
ChennaiOnlineに「Devan」の情報がアップされていました。 |
'02.06.14 |
Vijaykanth が警官役。う〜ん、見た〜い。 |
'02.06.11 |
それによるとミュージックカセットが販売され、映画の方は今月中に公開されるようです。 |
'02.06.10 |
Cinema Expressのサイトに撮影を見学した「Namma Veetu Kalyaanam」の情報がアップされています。
タミル語なので読めないけど(^^; |
'02.06.09 |
Dinakaran.comに、そろそろ公開される「Devan」の情報がアップされています。 |
'02.06.07 |
Galatta.comに6月1日に行われたチャットのログがアップされています。でも、短ぁ〜。 |
'02.05.30 |

Pyramidから"Glamour Girls"というソング集のDVDが発売されました。 |
'02.05.27 |
Interview with actress Meena: Part II
Q: You are gifted with a look that blends well with
the new generation of heroes like Vijay, Vikram, etc and as well
as with the more mature artistes like Rajinikanth, Kamal Hassan
and Vijaykanth? Do you find it to your advantage?
Meena:First of all 'thank you'. I think it is kind
of advantageous. Well it certainly seems to work to my favor.
It's nice to work with both the generation of heroes. And what
can I say other than "I am happy". (smiles)
Q: You have a milestone relationship for starring in
Rajinikanth's movies. How come you did not bag a role in the
film 'Baba'. Did it come as a disappointment?
Meena:Well, that is a question you should be asking
Mr.Baba. I don't know why I wasn't starred in the film. I wish
I could have but then no disappointments. I really don't like
to be disappointed and usually I do not have great expectations
about anything. It is easer that way, infact better in so many
ways. When high expectations are running really low you don't
have to face the consequences or be subjected to the pain of
disappointment. Well Mr. Rajinkanth actually decides everything
about his movie, the director, the music director, the cast and
crew, script, heroine basically everything. So as for me not
bagging any role in Baba, no disappointments as such, but it
would have been great if I had a chance to work with him again.
Q: You have a steady career graph that you have established
over a period of time as a consistent actress, but the interval
points on the graph seem to have a wide range while it is steadily
making its positive slope? Why is it so? Why the time gap?
Meena:Right now the whole film industry is going through
a relatively "lull phase". Not all the films which
hit the theatres are clicking, only a few films are really upto
the mark and getting close to the line. Not much of production
as in big banners is happening, like it used to do before. Producers
are not willing to produce any more mega-budget films. Previously
on an average 100 films would be released in a year but now it
is barely 40 to 50 films. So out of the few films that promise
to be upto the mark, an artiste has to be very careful in choosing
her role. It takes time for something you like to come along.
That's one of the reason for the time gap. Apart from that I
am shooting in four different languages, so when I am off in
another area, it seems like I have taken a break in one. Otherwise
I am busy always. I am doing films all the time.
Q: Like any other interview this wouldn't be complete
if we don't ask one of the most beautiful, eligible, talented
and single actress about her marriage? When is marriage on the
cards and what would be your definition of your 'ideal man'?
Meena: (Laughs) Well I have honestly not thought about
marriage yet. Not given it a shot of serious thought to it. My
ideal man? I would like him to be understanding, hard-working,
faithful and honest. Well as for the last two qualities in a
man, it is going to be very difficult to find a man so. But if
I do, if I find someone with all these qualities, I will definitely
let the whole world know about it.
'02.05.24 |
Interview with actress Meena: Part I
Q: After doing a film like 'Bharathi Kanama' you surprised
your fans and others by accepting to do a totally glamorous role
in 'Naam Iruvar Namakku Iruvar'. So while you were already doing
a mellowed and subdued role in 'Daya' you agreed for this one
song dance performance in 'Shah Jahan'. You tend to jolt the
audience with a unique mix and match of what you choose to do
onscreen? Is it intentional or just to break the monotony?
Meena:Well, you could say it is partly intentional
and sometimes I do it to break the monotony, because I don't
want to be stereotyped or branded for a particular cast. Sometimes
you have to try hard to break the mould you are cast into weather
you like it or not. You see, right from my childhood I have been
in this industry. So, I relatively know a lot of people, I have
a lot of well-wishers and friends and when they come and ask
you to do something, its really hard to say "No". You
can't afford or wouldn't have the heart to give a negative answer
to friends and people who have made me what I am today. They
have helped me come this far in the industry, to this stage where
I am now. I owe them more than just a nod for a song. Since it
is in the name of friendship, there are no hassles about just
a one song appearance. The 'Shah Jahan' song was something in
that line. I also had done another one song sequence in another
film already. It was a very nice film called 'Anbudan'. It was
a film starring Arunkumar. Since I had ready did such a one song
sequence before the 'Shah Jahan' number.
Q: Is there any controversy surrounding the release
of the film 'Kaadhaley Swasam'? If so what is it? When is the
film hitting the theatres?
Meena:When is it hitting the theatres? I wish I knew
that (laughs). Most of the shooting schedule is over though we
still have a little more work on the dubbing and editing left
to do. I really don't know what is the controversy surrounding
it (well, if there is one in the first place). May be you should
ask Mr.Prabhu Nepal about it. Though he did tell me that the
film has come out great. Just like what we had expected it to
be. They are planning to finish the pending work with the film
and release it soon. And I hope it does because the songs have
turned out to be great and so have the picturisation of the songs.
As for my role in the film it is not just different characterwise,
but my basic appearance and costume in the film is also quite
different, something which I have never done before. I am having
this straight haired look throughout the movie, which is very
unusual. The costume in the film is very ultra modern and elegant
with a Bollywood touch. Not any of those flashy costumes but
more of pastel shades rather. Well, it was a different role in
all aspects.
Q: Can you mention a few lines about you role in the
films 'Commissioner Easwarapandi" and "Dhevan"?
Meena: "Comissioner Easwarapandi" is a Malayalam
film with Mammutty. It is a dubbed version of the Malayalalm
film "Raksasha Rajavu". My role in the film is nothing
much I can tell about. It is quite a trivial role in the film.
But it was a film I had done just for the sake of Mr.Mamutty
and Director Vinayan. They had been asking to take up that role
and had been convincing me for a very very long time to do it
and so it was. I actually missed a few other impressive roles
because I was committed to that, though it was unfortunate that
way, but no regrets. In the movie "Dhevan" I am playing
the role of a TV anchor, it is basically a thriller movie.
Q: Is it a role similar to that of what Raveena Tandon
did in "Aalavandaan"?
Meena: No! (laughs). It is not on that lines but it
is a key role. It was good and convincing when I was narrated
the script. It is turning out to be great. I play the role of
a woman who supports a man in his mission. It is releasing soon.
Mr.Arun Pandian has been telling me that there are plans to do
the film in Dolby DTS effect. It would be hitting the theatres
Q: The film "Lovers" you are doing with Abbas
and Murali. Is it a typical love triangle film or more of a romantic
Meena: The movie almost has all the ingredients in
it. It has a good comedy track, it involves a certain amount
of romantic drama and sentiments. It is totally a family entertainer.
Q: Then why is it called "Lovers" leading
us to believe it is a love triangle?
Meena: Well, it is typically not a love triangle. It
is something different from the usual corners of a love triangle.
It has unexpected twists and turns, something a bit unusual for
the Tamil cinema audience. Well, I am bound not to tell the story!
So you have to wait till the movie is released.
Q: Are you doing a film called 'Kadhal Sadugudu' with
the latest sensation Chiyaan Vikram?
Meena:No, I am not doing any such film with Chiyaan
'02.05.21 |
ミーナ結婚の記事を掲載した新聞は一紙だけだったようで、誤報の可能性が濃厚になりました。 |
'02.05.20 |
Chennaiで、Meenaさんの結婚が決まったと報じた新聞があったようです。 |
'02.05.10 |
現在撮影中の"Namma Veetu Kalyaanam"は8月最終週か9月第1週に公開予定です。家族愛を描いた心暖まるストーリーらしい。 |
'02.05.06 |
India Plazaによると'95年のタミル語映画「Oru Oorla Oru
Rajakumari (Kavitha製)」 のDVDが発売されているようです。
'02.05.05 |
Film: "Namma Veettu Kalyaanam". Banner: 'Thiruvalluvar
Kalaikkoodam'. Producers: V.Sekar and K.Parthiban. Artistes:
Murali, Meena, Vivek, Vindhya, Vadivelu, Sonia, Thalaivaasal
Vijay, Indhu, Rajiv, Paandu,
Charlee, R.Sunderrajan, Thiyagu, Kumari Muththu and others. Music:
S.A.Rajkumar. Camera: P.S.Selvam and R.Mahendran. Story, screenplay,
dialogue and direction: V.Sekar. Dance direction: Lalitha-Mani,
Sivashankar. Stunt: Jaquar Thangam. Lyrics: Arivumathi, Palani
Bharathi, Naa.Muththukkumar, Thamarai and Paa.Vijay. Set design:
K.Balan. Production supervision: V.M.Babuji.
Film: "Padai Veettu Amman". Banner: 'Televista Digitals
Limited'. Producers: Bala and S.Lakshmanan. Artistes: Ramki,
Meena, Devayani, Rawali, Nizhalgal Ravi, Senthil, Vinuchakravarthy,
K.R.Vathsala and others. Camera: Baby Philips. Music: S.A.Rajkumar.
Lyrics: Kalidassan. Stunt: Kuntraththoor Babu. Story, screenplay,
dialogue and direction: Pugazh Mani.
At Saidapet in Chennai, Tamilnadu, director K.S.Ravikumar
is constructing a residential, own house for him. It's named
'Padaiyappaa - Thenali' house. The reason behind naming the house
so is this: The empty land for the would-be house was bought
by him, investing the money he earned as salary for his directional
work in the film "Padaiyappaa". The construction cost
of the house is being met by him with the profit money that he
earned through his own production "Thenali". Now, actress
Meena also is constructing a palacial house around the same area!
'02.04.11 |
HansazoneのMOVIE BUZZにMeenaさんの記事がアップされています。 |
'02.04.03 |
祝!Yahoo! JAPAN にMeenaカテゴリ新設! |
'02.03.25 |
新作「Ivan」の情報がDinakaran Cinemaにアップされていました。
主演と監督をParthiban、音楽がIlayaraja.、スタントマスターがKanal Kannan!そしてダンスマスターはG.Kala! |
'02.03.24 |
'02.03.21 |
Cinesouth.comに、「Daya」のレビューがアップされています。 |
'02.03.14 |
Dinkaran.comによると3月4日にColombo (セイロンの首都都市)で行われたSivaji
Ganesan のセレモニーに参加されたようです。
昨年の8月にMeenaさんに御会いした時、「Sivaji Ganesanは映画の世界に入る切っ掛けになった大切な人」とおっしゃていました。 |
'02.03.10 |
字幕も無いのでコレクション用か? |
'02.03.06 |
Silver Screen誌によると、Prabhu Devaに変って新しく恋人が出来たとか。新恋人の名前は"Prabhu
Nepal"。彼は「Kadhale Swaasam」の監督で、しかも既婚者!?。果たして本当なのか? |
'02.03.05 |
そしてこちらには「Devan」の写真が一枚。 |
'02.03.03 |
Eswarapandian」(Cast:Starring: Mammotty, Director: Vinayan)がChennaiの映画館でも公開されているようです。 |
'02.03.01 |
Dinakaran Cinemaに新作情報がアップされていました。
Film: "Sivagami". Banner:
'Mom Creations'. Producer: P.R.C. Mohan. Artistes: Meena, Amsavirdhan,
newface Radha, 'Kadal Pookkal' Uma, Thilagan, Vijayakumar, Vadivelu,
Balaji, Sree Vidya, K.R.Vijaya and others. Camera: Kichchaas.
Direction: Mohandoss. Lyrics: Vairamuththu. Music: Deva. Dialogue:
Shanmugam. Editing: B.Lenin and V.T.Vjayan. Stunt: Kuntraththoor
Babu. Dance direction: Balaji.
'02.02.28 |
Chennaionlineに新作「Daya」のレビューがアップされています。 |
'02.02.21 |
Galatta.comに、「Daya」のオフィシャルホームページが出来ています。 |
'02.02.20 |
Telugu語映画「Peruleni Cinema」と「Pape Naa Pranam」は同じ映画だという事が判明。
ん〜、紛らわしい…。 |
'02.02.17 |
Chennaionlineに新作「Daya」の情報がアップされています。 |
'02.02.16 |
Chennaionlineに新作「Kadhale Swaasam」の情報がアップされています。 |
'02.02.15 |
Telugu語映画「Pape Naa Pranam」のDVDが発売されています。
'02.02.14 |
中村氏主催のGanapathim Shoppingによると、テルグ語映画「Siri Vennela」のDVDが発売されているそうです。
'02.02.12 |
'02.02.02 |
新作情報。タイトルは「Thiruvalluvar Kalaikkoodam」で、ヒーローはMurali。監督はV.Sekar。
'02.02.01 |
Telugu語映画「Sri Manjunatha」のDVDが発売になりました。 |
'02.01.30 |
Telugu語映画「Karthauyam」と「Peruleni Cinema」のDVDが発売になっています。
テルグ語映画はハイペースでDVD化されているようですね。 |
'02.01.29 |
それによると、やはり両親の進める相手と結婚するようです。そして、今後はペースを落とし、年に4本くらいの映画にしか出演しないとか。 |
'02.01.28 |
Telugu語映画「Chanti」と「Krishna Babu」のDVDが発売になっています。 |
'02.01.20 |
Cinesouth.comによると、いよいよ「Kadhale Swaasam」が公開されるようです。
Cast: Prakash Raj, Raghuvaran, Meena, Lakshmi, Neha
Story, Screenplay & Direction: Senthil Kumar
Music: Bharadwaj
'02.01.18 |
'02.01.15 |
India Movie Biz にマラヤラーム語映画「Magic Lamp」の情報がアップされています。 |
'02.01.14 |
Chennaionlineに新作「Click」の情報がアップされています。 |
'02.01.09 |
"Kadhale Swaasam" Hero:Karthik
"Lovers" Hero:Murali,Abbas
"Dhaya" Hero:Prakashraj
"Click" Hero:Prabu
"Devan" Hero:Vijayakanth
'02.01.08 |
Kannada映画の新作情報です。 FilmName:Gramadevthe,Cast:Prema,Chitra
K V,Dina,Om Sai Prakash |
'02.01.07 |
新作情報 FilmName:Devan,Hero:Vijayakanth,共演:Arun Pandian,Karthik,Kawsalya,DanceMaster:Hari